Wednesday, January 8, 2020

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Supply points are deployed throughout the entire area to provide responsive support to all users. The objective is to keep the distance and travel time between troop units and their sources of supply to an economical minimum. Equipment such as trucks, tanks, or bulldozers may also be stocked in the theater for use by Army troops airlifted to Europe as reinforcements during periods of tension or an outbreak of war. By 11 November 1950, the first supply ships were unloading at Bordeaux, and COMZ, though not yet established, was in business. Additionally, flags must be flown on days to the election to the European Parliament, the Bundestag, the Hessian Landtag and municipal elections.

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This includes sorting, classifying, and segregating in lots according to sales and bidding practices of the area. Then, in the spring of 1966, came the decision by the French Government that all Allied Forces must be out of that country by 1 April 1967. For COMZ, this meant moving about 70,000 people and 700,000 tons of supplies out of France in slightly more than 11 months.

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On 24 May 1942, the Services of Supply, ETO was established in England with Lieutenant General John G.H. Lee as its first commanding general. Two years of build-up and stockpiling of supplies and equipment culminated in that command's being redesignated in May 1944 as the Communications Zone, ETO. The colours red and white are based on that of the Ludovingian coat of arms, showing a lion with a ninefold horizontal white and red division. The key logistics tasks are to provide food, fuel, ammunition, and other supplies to the soldier, to keep his equipment operational, and to provide for a rapid strengthening of these forces in an emergency. When we went to the Support Districts to change them over and train them in the automated systems, the majors in charge were not very accommodating.

The procedures and controls used to furnish items in each class of supply vary with commodity characteristics. Naturally, procedures used to supply bulk fuel through pipelines have little in common with those used to provide radio repair parts. However, supply points for the various classes of supply are not separate and independent organizations. Several may be operated in one area by the same company and collocated to the extent that facilitics and the nature of the commodities permit. Companies are assigned to battalions for command and control and are generally grouped in complexes to serve principal troop concentrations. The command also provides retail support of troops who are not supported by the COSCOM's.

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The transportation of supplies to and within the theater is accomplished by both commercial and military transportation systems. Supplies enter the theater through ports in northern Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium, principally Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Antwerp. About 70 percent of the cargo, less bulk class III, entering the theater moves by container shipments. Containers and other cargo are transported by rail, barge and other military or civilian trucks to TASCOM depots, or directly to forward supply units. The movements are under the administrative control of the Transportation Command of TASCOM. Shipments from depots to the theater move either by commercial transportation or military trucks to forward units.

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We understood as they too were short handed and had to run parallel manual and automated systems for 3-4 months until they got acquainted with the system and had the bugs worked out. Several refused us outright, so we went back to Worms and we reported directly to a BG, who told us to be ready to go back Monday following. Class III "gas stations" are located to best serve concentartions of vehicles and heavy trallic flow. Coal is usually delivered directly yo large heating plants or central storage points.

Flag of Hesse

This includes storing theater reserve stocks and operating supplies in depots in the rear areas and performing heavy maintenance and overhaul of equipment for the entire theater. The central objective of the system in Europe is to be prepared to provide full logistics support in war and to provide supplies, equipment, and services to US Forces personnel in peace. Support of dependents and other peacetime tasks, although significant, are performed by forces required for readiness. Just as with tactical forces, much of the logistics structure of the Army in Eruope is required wholly for readiness and not for peacetime support. The Medical Command, with headquarters in Heidelberg, furnishes medical support, including medical supply, and the Transportation Command headquarters in Oberursel exercises traffic management responsibility and operates terminals and a line haul transportation system. The Combat Equipment Group in Mannheim stores pre-positioned equipment of dual-based units.

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On or around 1 July 1969, TASCOM assumed the responsibilitries for direct support of combat units west of the Rhine River. The Army in Europe is part of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization force and receives soem support from its host nations, but it depends on the Army base in the United States for the bulk of its support. From July 1 to Sept 30, it will largely be in a phase-out status as it continues to assist with the merger while moving toward "zero strength." The headquarters will not actually be inactivated but, instead, will become part of USAREUR Hqs. Although the command's activities stretch from Portugal and Italy to Great Britain and Denmark, most of the facilities are located in Germany. Operation CORD -- an acronym for 'COMZ Realignment of Districts' -- merged the former Area Command's ten districts into five US Forces Support Districts, steamlining area supporting functions. Property is prepared for sale so that it will attract buyers and recover the maximum amount of money for the Government.

From a maintenance viewpoint, the GS units absorb excess workload from the DS units and perform a higher level of repair using more sophisticated test equipment and tools. From a supply viewpoint, they overhaul components such as generators and carburetors used in direct exchange programs of the supply system. They also operate collection, classification, and salvage points to reclaim usable components front uneconomically reparable end items. These points are the principal source of supply for many items, such as fenders and truck wheels, thereby precluding the need to stock some items in the supply system.

Items that are escess to worldwide or MAP requirements are candidates for elimination from the military system. The initial step is to offer the items to other Department of Defense components in Europe and to non-defense Federal agencies in the United States such as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Class V training ammunition is provided from special supply points operated by ordnance ammunition companies assigned to the COSCOM's, generally located near major training areas where the bulk of ammunition is used. In addition, TASCOM ammunition companies store reserve ammunition in forward and dispersed locations so that it is more available to combat units for the early days of a war.

Additional reserves and rotation of stocks are provided by TASCOM's Miesau Ammunition Depot. Class II, IV, and VII supplies are distributed by supply and service companies and TASCOM districts. Clothing issue facilities are located to best serve large troop populations, and expendable office supplies are distributed through self-service supply centers, which are similar to variety stores. There also are numerous small satellite supply points to provide more responsive service to the troops. Theater stocks of classes II, IV, and VII supplies are stored at all theater depots except Miesau.

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In Europe, increasing numbers of requests are being sent to the United States for direct shipment in order to reduce the need for extensive stocks of supplies in theater depots. The basic requisitioning and resupply sequence varies for some commodities such as rations for which consumption can easily be forecast, but generally, the system operates as just described. Class IX parts used by units for day-to-day repair of equipmcut are obtained front the same units that perform higher echelon maintenance support for their equipment.

Its mission includes the area support of dependents and other U.S. elements in the theater. This includes 41,000 family housing units, 70 commissary sales stores, 10 drycleaning and laundry plants, and numerous administrative vehicle motor pools. Troop support west of the Rhine is provided by the 1st Support Brigade, with headquarters in Mannheim.

I was assigned as a repair parts warehouse supervisor until I had a chance to go to Hq/Hq Company, 3rd Log Command in Worms, where I heard there was a supply sergeant vacancy. As I was experienced, needed immediately and was mal-assigned I got a transfer in January 1969. By the time V-E Day rolled around on 8 May 1945, the TASCOM of that war had furnished 61 combat divisions of the Allied Expeditionary Force, commanded by General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, with more than 21 million tons of vital supplies. And when the colors were furled in January 1946, the logistical feats of World War II had attained very nearly the status of legend. Allied battle commanders were unanimous in their praise of the magnitude, efficiency, and ingenuity of the American logistical system.

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